sábado, 31 de outubro de 2009
Quando teve o SISiversary online (um evento para comemorar o aniversário do site), eu amei as aulas e os desafios que ela fez, e pra mim foi uma honra enorme ter sido escolhida por ela!
Guys, I'm in heaven! I didn't visit the SIS websit for some days (click here to see the site) and I hadn't seen that my layout "at four" had been chosen by Jeannie the Intern.
When there was the SISiversary online (an event to celebrate the site's anniversary), I loved her classes and challenges, so for me it was an honor to be chosen by her!
sexta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2009
mais dois
Today I finished these two layouts. I start scrapping on Monday but I can only finish on Friday... That's what a mother's life is like! Both layouts were created for the anniversary of A Million Memories site - here
Essa página foi feita baseada em uma propaganda de perfume, que serviria de inspiração para o layout.
This one was based on an ad that should be used as an inspiration for the layout.
Já pra essa página tínhamos que utilizar um sketch como inspiração.
For this one we had to use a sketch as inspiration.
quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2009
mais layouts
Well, I wasn't happy with the pictures of the layouts I had uploaded, so I've changed them. If you have already read what I wrote before, you can look at the pictures again (lol).
eyes wide open
Davi assistindo televisão todo sério.
Davi watching TV looking very serious.
Essa foto eu consegui tirar depois de uns dias tentando capturar o sorriso do Daniel. Ele dá o sorriso mais gostoso do mundo!
This picture I was able to take after some days trying to capture Daniel's smile. He gives me the best smile in the world!
Esse último layout fiz para o desafio do The Creative Type (clique aqui) onde tinha que usar letras como máscara para fazer o título. Usei umas letras de chipboard que tenho há um século e nunca tinha usado...
This last layout I did for the challenge at The Creative Type (click here) where I was supposed to use letters/fonts as mask for my title. I used some chipboard alphabet that I have for a long time and had never used...
quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2009
some more love
segundo layout
esse layout foi feito também há bastante tempo, mas é claro que depois que o Daniel nasceu (hahahaha). Queria muito fazer scrap e usar os papéis da Webster's Pages e essa foto ficou tão gostosa, que combinou com o tema do papel. Na foto ele estava com apenas 20 dias.
this layout I also did a long ago, but of course after Daneil was born (lol). I wanted very much to scrap using Webster's Pages papers and this picture was so yummy that matched perfectly the paper's theme. In the picture he was only 20 days old.
some love
primeiro layout
esse layout eu fiz já há um tempão. No começo da gravidez passava muito mal e não conseguia fazer scrap por causa do cheiro. Como não queria ficar sem fazer scrap pra sempre (porque aquilo que nos faz passar mal na gravidez, faz a gente passar mal pra sempre... hahaha), deixei de fazer até me sentir à vontade pra começar novamente. Pois bem, esse layout eu fiz no começo de julho, um pouco antes do Daniel nascer.
this layout I did a long ago. In the beginning of my pregancy I got very sick - not only morning sickness - and I couldn't scrap because of the smell. Because I didn't want to be away from scrap forever (everything that makes you sick during pregnancy is something you don't want to do forever... lol), I didn't do any layouts until I was sure I was feeling ok. Well, I did this one in the beginning of July, a little before Daniel was born.
quarta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2009
Today I want to do as promissed: upload pictures... Bit by bit I will start uploading when more interesting things happen (which is almost nothing, since I am a mother of a 2,5 months old baby and in my maternity leave... lol)
This picture was taken on "Children's Day" (which was on October 12th). Davi got a bike... and he was wearing pajamas when it happened. He liked it very much, but if you asked him what he wanted for a gift, he would answer a Hot Wheels track. I don't have any more room for them in my house...
Já essa foto do Daniel foi tirada no fim de setembro, quando fomos visitar minha mãe em São Paulo. Ficamos lá uns dois dias, no esquema "acampamento".
This picture of Daniel was taken in the end of September, when we went to São Paulo to visit my mother. We stayed there for two days only.
terça-feira, 13 de outubro de 2009
Consegui algum progresso...
Finally I was able to make a banner that I like and looks like something I would make. This picture was taken from my bedroom window, with this beautiful view! I think that now I can start uploding things here... There are still some altering to be done, but it's ok for now.