Today I want to do as promissed: upload pictures... Bit by bit I will start uploading when more interesting things happen (which is almost nothing, since I am a mother of a 2,5 months old baby and in my maternity leave... lol)
This picture was taken on "Children's Day" (which was on October 12th). Davi got a bike... and he was wearing pajamas when it happened. He liked it very much, but if you asked him what he wanted for a gift, he would answer a Hot Wheels track. I don't have any more room for them in my house...
Já essa foto do Daniel foi tirada no fim de setembro, quando fomos visitar minha mãe em São Paulo. Ficamos lá uns dois dias, no esquema "acampamento".
This picture of Daniel was taken in the end of September, when we went to São Paulo to visit my mother. We stayed there for two days only.
Lindos!!!! Ah, essa amiga que te adora e tá meio em falta com vocês, mas que tem muito carinho. Puxa, parabéns pelo blog - eu também tenho, depois te mando o link.
ResponderExcluirPelo menos assim a gente mata a saudade e eu conheço o Davi. Beijos, Cintia
Má...q lindo seu blog! O Daniel tá gigante já!!! Tô devendo uma visitaaaa....bjsssss pra vcs!