segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2009


Como é que eu pude esquecer de dizer algo tão importante? A foto do layout que postei dia 27 foi o Davi que tirou! Estava no cabeleireiro, fazendo a unha pra ser mais exata, e ele pegou a câmera e começou a tirar foto de tudo. No meio do caminho tinha a mãe dele... Eu achei linda essa foto (não me achei linda não... hahahaha), mas o jeito que ele tirou a foto, ficou muito fofa!

Aproveitando, fiz mais um layout. Esse ficou diferente. Gostei do resultado... Tinha umas fotos antigas que o Matheus revelou e não foram usadas antes, e resolvi usar para lembrar coisas antes do Daniel. O journaling fala disso...

Usei um pouco de Sassafras e também uns papéis que tinha guardado e acabo não usando... O fundo fiz com papel kraft pra embrulho (sabe, que compra em papelaria?) e o título fiz em cima de uma figura de um livro antigo, com aquelas réguas de letras.

How could I have forgotten something so important? The picture from the layout I posted on the 27 was taken by Davi! I was in the hairdresser, more precisely having my nails polished, and he took the camera and started shooting everything. On the way there was his mother... I thought this picture was great (but not that I was great on it... lol), but the way he took the picture turned out very cute!

Well, I did another layout. This one is different. I liked the result... I had some old pictures that Matheus had developed and weren't used before, so I decided to scrap about things before Daniel. The journaling is about that...

I used a bit of Sassafras and also some scraps of papers I have and that I always end up not using... The background I did with paper used to wrap packages and the title I did on top of a picture from an old book (vintage, you know...).

Journaling: "there were only the 3 of us? Things were easier. We could wake up late or sleep in the afternoon, we could have lunch in restaurants or travel on the weekends, we could watch a movie at the cinema. We could leave Davi with one of the grandparents and go out wherever or whenever we wanted. It was fun! But there was something missing. Our lives weren't just complete. Although we didn't know then and took us some time to figure it out, we missed a person we didn't know then at that time. And now we feel our family is complete and we can't wait for Daniel to be old enough to start enjoying things with us, like playing or watching TV, going out, going to the beach and swimming in the ocean. There are just so many things!"

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